In tvN x TVING’s historical drama “The Queen Who Crowns,” which premiered on January 6, Cha Joo Young plays Queen Won Kyung, the wife of King Taejong Lee Bang Won (played by Lee Hyun Wook), portraying a fierce battle for power. power with intense acting.
The drama offers audiences two viewing options: a 15+ version and a 19+ version, each offering varying degrees of intensity in its intimate scenes. In the 19+ version, Cha Joo Young’s courageous portrayal, including a topless scene, attracted widespread attention and praise. She appeared completely naked from the waist up, heightening the impact of the drama with a raw and engaging performance.
Interestingly, no official mention of a stunt double was made, leading viewers to conclude that Cha Joo Young performed the scene herself.
This bold move marks a departure from her previous work in “The Glory,” where she also appeared in a nudity-related scene. However, in that case, CGI was used to enhance his appearance. Reflecting on the decision, Cha Joo Young explained, “My character in the drama series had undergone breast surgery, but since I didn’t have it, CGI was used for the necessary parts.” This transition from CGI to real performance highlights his commitment to pushing the limits of his art.