Bulls revealed: names, faces and group chat registers of MBC penalty agents who have harassed the deceased Oh Yoanna

Bulls revealed: names, faces and group chat registers of MBC penalty agents who have harassed the deceased Oh Yoanna

JTBCInvestigative program Head of the crime and ex MBC reporter Kim says (better known for its controversial extreme right YouTube channel) have revealed the names, faces and chat registers of MBCPennons agents who have bullying to delay Oh Youua before his suicidal death.

Oh Yanan | @Ohyoanna/Instagram

The death of the suicide of MBC Weathercaster reveals bullying in the work of work swept under the carpet

Both Head of the crime And the YouTuber revealed the records of the chilling messages of the KakaoTalk Group chat room that were shared among the bullies. Noticing that the material was shared with the program by the family in mourning, the two sources called Weathercaster MBC Koii i, Park if myeong, Kim ga YoungAND Lee Hyun Seung like the bullies involved.

WeatHercaster MBC
MBC WeatHarcasters Choi in Ri (far left), Park Ha Myeong (center on the left), Kim Ga Young (central right) and Lee Hyun Seung (far right)

Previously, it has been revealed that MBC’s flags have created a separate and marginalized group chat Oh Yoanna and WeatHercaster Kum that rim who entered MBC at the same time to Oh Yoanna.

Disturbing evidence of bullying in the workplace of Weathercaster late Oh Yoanna have been revealed: the public outrage aims at MBC

The chat registers from 26 December 2022 revealed when the four bullies decided to exclude Oh Yanna from group chat. On the basis of the conversation, it is clear that Oh Yoanna tried to defend itself and the Sunbae The brushes were clearly offended:

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Lee Hyun Seung (Lee): Those two* are out of mind.
*Presumes to be oh Yoanna and kum chhis

Kim ga Young (Kim): Sunbae-Nim, We only make a new group chat. How … this is getting out of hand. Truly. Can we please have some peace?

Lee: You are right. They are crazy. We should all leave the group chat and leave them.

Kim: I’m sorry you have to face this, Sunbae-Nim.

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Kim: They are not just stupid … they are so stubborn.

Lee: So stubborn. For example, they are honestly crazy.

Kim: Yes, both are not in their right minds.

When an officer without name revealed that the deceased Oh Yanna had confined himself to the TV colleague Jang Sung Kyu on the situation at work …

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Nameless Insider (B): Oh Yananna said Sung Kyu opa Which is an marginalized to work and between the thumbs.

Lee: What about B*TCH.

B: So Sung Kyu was asking me if something was wrong.

Lee: He should think about what he did.

… the bullies blamed Oh Yoanna and immediately began to criticize it so as not to be presentable.

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Lee: But don’t you know you and sang Kyu are you close? It is so stupid.

Kim: Seriously … Sung Kyu does not know what is going on oh Yanna since I don’t tell him. He asked me if something had happened.

Lee: How does Sung Kyu know Oh Yoanna?

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Kim: They train together.

Lee: I’m telling you, it’s making us look like bad. He should be better in his work before spending this time to exercise. You know, every morning when it makes the trick, alcohol smells.

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Kim: Oh, I really heard about it. I also heard that he doesn’t take a shower often …

Lee: Apparently like this. For example, it was bad. I think he presents himself as soon as he gets up after being passed out the last night.

Kim: What a cking mess …

Lee: A cking mess for sure.

Well in 2023, the bullies did not hold back in the group chat, especially with Oh Yoanna Tuiz on the block I wait and how unhappy they were.

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B: Yesterday, Oh Youna contacted me saying that he wanted to talk to me about something. I told her to leave me a message and she said she doesn’t know how to behave in front of you.

Lee: Do you know what? I hope it mocked and will be driven out for losing a transmission or something. I hate it so much. I just can’t overcome the way he was staring at me in my eyes as if he were trying to fight me.

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Lee: It is she who passed. It is she who has bullying me! Did you think I would leave her easily? How really? He is crazy.

B: Yes, he tried to cry in front of me.

Lee: Trust me, they are usually not so. But that day, it was much beyond the line. Remember how was it like “Did I do something wrong? Is it my fault? “People would surely think that I’m bullying.

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Lee: I wonder if it is paid for all the times that oscillates only for a special meteorological segment.

B: I wouldn’t have said that … but apparently, think that being stubborn in a situation like this is better for her. This is how you love each other. So you don’t really care what we think. But … at least Yeon Jin (from Glory) He was good at his work. He had a good husband …

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Lee: He is crazy. One of mine SunbaeS I sent after sending me Quiz. They were telling me how strange it is oh Yanna. They were like “how is it a Ficcanastro?!” For them, show. He shows that he is not good but he thinks it is. It’s a problem.

B: Oh, that episode was the worst.

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Lee: He should have been watching how I managed a television aspect. So, he wouldn’t have made fun of himself. I don’t understand what makes it so confident that it will not be monitored.

B: Do you remember when it snowed on the west coast but did not go at all?

Koii i (Choi): I don’t understand why MBC will not fire her when she is not doing her job so well. Since when were we so indulgent?

Lee: Look at his segments embarrassed me, honestly. MBC weather forecasts were much better.

Once the bullies realized that they were stuck by Oh Yoanna, they criticized her for “Play the victim.”

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Park if myeong (Park): He blocked MBC people so that they were unable to see his stories.

Lee: Hahaha.

Park: So those of us who work with her cannot see her things.

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Lee: Do you say seriously? Lol. Why? I thought he had nothing to hide? But you know what, I’m happy that he blocked me. At least I don’t have to see it anymore. I bet it is still saying it Sunbaes are jealous of her or anything else.

Park: I can’t even see his stories, haha.

After shocking revelation, the added mourning, “Park has Myeong and Choi in the Bullying of bullying Oh Yoanna in the face, but Lee Hyun Seung and Kim ga Young did it behind him.” It was also noted that the two clips for the municipal agents previously reported that they had not attended the Oh Yoanna funeral are Lee Hyun Seung and Kim ga Young.

Kim Ga Young, Choi A Ri and Park Ha Myeong all entered MBC in August 2018. | Cheese

Neither of the four Teathers nominated responded to revelation.

Read more on the aspect of Oh Yoanna on Tuiz on the block This further fueled harassment in the workplace.

The “You Quiz on the Block” episode of Weathercaster late is eliminated in a huge bullying scandal

Source: @jtbc_News and @Hoverlab2018

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