Some want “7-Bangtan”, while others require “6-Bangan”.
In the last episode of Jung Jae Hyung‘S YouTube exhibition on his Fata Jae Hyung channel, BTS‘S J-Hope It was treated for a delicious meal while giving what the Armies nicknamed his “Best interview” Still.
While they talked about his companions who continue to serve their military duties, J-Hope has hinted that, once everyone is discharged in June 2025, it is likely that full group activities occur.
Jung Jae Hyung: AS, RM Is it still enlisted and … are the other members still not in the army?
J-Hope: Right. They will be discharged in June, then …
Jung Jae Hyung: … you guys have already planned things, right?
J-Hope: W-well … that is … um …
Jung Jae Hyung: We are immediately receiving group activities, huh?
J-Hope: It is in preparation. We must be meticulous about it, therefore …
Jung Jae Hyung: I love it! So, as soon as everyone comes out of the military, will things happen quickly?
J-Hope: As soon as everyone comes out of the military … I think we will prepare for various activities related to BTS.
Therefore, further on in the interview, J-Hope to which we refer “All seven members”, Answerly answering the ardent question of some Army …
Jung Jae Hyung: I think it is incredible that members worked constantly for their music, tightening them among group activities. It must be very motivating, that type of healthy competition. I have to make you proud, I think?
J-Hope: Yes, but then again … there are seven. “Streezing in” an album at the right time is so demanding!
Jung Jae Hyung: Oh, I bet.
J-Hope: Each of the seven has completely different styles. We like different things and now we have our preferences. We are working with different timing … so it was difficult to keep our programs seamlessly.
Jung Jae Hyung: Demanding, but so significant.
… one following the Dui scandal of Suga from August 2024.
From the news of his investigation, and a long time after the closing of the case while he was sentenced to a fine, Suga received a repercussions and was accepted with the requests from his own fandom to retire from the group.
Ghirlande asking for the withdrawal of BTS Suga sent to Hybe
THE Fata Jae Hyung Episode, apparently “Confirm OT7”, He has divided K-Armys again. Among the online communities, the comments were heated among those who still asked for the removal of suga compared to those who have gone to forgive and/or embrace.
- “I was waiting for the complete return of the group, but … if they come back together, I feel like they were criticized, and it is already grueling …”
- “I can’t wait.”
- “Let him manage alone. Suga is not leaving BTS. The people who want to hate hate, and those who support will support him. Tbh, they are a little excited.”
- “We know for sure if Suga cannot be on national channels, however? I have not seen it on the list of prohibitions.”
- “I’m resisting, waiting for the return of the BTS complete group.”
- “I look forward to the return of the complete group!”
- “💜 6-Bangan Hwaising! 💜 💜 💜
- “Count down for OT7.”
- “I can’t wait for 6-bangan. Suga has to leave.”
- “People say that Stanning Ot7 is not normal … well then. I won’t be normal for a long, long time.”
- “He must guide the crazy haters listening to J-Hope say that there are seven. Lol.”
- “Even when J-Hope himself says that BTS is 7. Those of you are still insisting on 6-bangan should simply leave the fandom.”
- “If J-Hope says it’s 7, then it’s 7. Ot7 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜”
- “Leave the criminal from it.”
- “Wow … so much support for OT7, lol.”
- “I can’t wait to see the return of the complete group soon. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜”
- “Those who pull for OT7 are challenged as the criminal member. They are all for 6-bangtan.”
This is not the first time that J-Hope has attracted attention for mentioning Suga. Read more about it here:
J-Hope of BTS attracts attention after mentioning suga at the recent event