The show of the 2024 MBC Entertainment Awards, hosted by Jeon Hyun-Moo, the actor Lee Jang-Woo and the actress of the singer Yoon Eun-Hye, aired live from the MBC Media Center in Sangam on January 28th at 20:20 (KST).
For the best couple prize, the son Ho-Young and Danny Ahn of “God’s Baby Diaries” went on stage to present. Candidates included Yoo Jae-Suk and Haha (Hangout with Yoo), Park We and Song Ji-Eun (The Manager) and Yang Se-Hyung and Park Na-Rae (where is my home).
During the interview with the nominated Park Noi and Song Ji-Eun, MBC entered with a notice of news. The text on the screen read: “The fire reported on the aerial aerial Busan at Gimhae airport, according to the fire -fighting authorities”.
According to the Busan firefighters, a fire broke out near the tail section of a Busan plane plane at Gimhae airport around 10:30 pm. The rescuers quickly extinct the fire and all 169 passengers and seven crew members have successfully evacuated.
Despite the latest news, the award ceremony continued as expected without any interruption for a news bulletin.
In the end, the prize for the best couple went to Yoo Jae-Suk and Haha from “Hangout with Yoo”. Yoo Jae-Suk expressed his surprise, saying: “I didn’t expect to win the prize for the best couple. During the interview, I thought that Park Na-Rae, Yang Se-Hyung, Park Wee or Song Ji-Eun would have won, so it was a shock to hear my name called.“
He also explained the absence of Haha, saying: “Haha could not join us tonight because of a family commitment, but we are deeply grateful to all those who voted for us”.
The MBC Entertainment Awards were initially scheduled for December 29, but was postponed as a mourning gesture for the tragedy of the passenger plane Air Jeju.