On January 21, OTT platform Coupang Play posted a “Chemistry Game” video on its Instagram. The video features BLACKPINK’s Jisoo and Park Jung-min, co-stars of the upcoming series “Newtopia”, answering various “What if” questions.
Here, when asked what she would do in the event of a disaster, Jisoo chose to find a place to hide rather than contact her loved ones.
Then, he chose “Become a zombie first.” instead of trying to survive in the event of a zombie apocalypse, and according to the female idol the most essential thing for survival is not strong mental strength, but “a deadly weapon”.
The video then moved from questions related to survival to actions one would take towards one’s ex-lover.
Here, Jisoo discovered that watching a movie with her ex sitting next to her is worse than getting drunk and calling her ex, and revealed that she would break up in person instead of over the phone.
Finally, when asked what she would do to get over a breakup, “Slowly reflecting on past memories” OR “Overcome the problem by spending time with good people and eating delicious food,” the female idol immediately chose the latter showing a cold expression.
Meanwhile, Park Jung-min chose the same choice for this question, showing the chemistry between the two before the release of “Newtopia.”