On March 1st, a video entitled “remember Kim Sae-S, who left us at 24” was loaded on the Noh-Hyun’s Youtube channel.
During the video, the production team mentioned the tragic news of the death of Kim Sae-Sign and asked for their thoughts to Noh Joo-Hyun & Park Jung-Soo. Kim Sae-Son died on February 16th.
By expressing his pain, Noh Joo-Hyun said, “It is difficult to express in words. You cannot simply cry indefinitely. In the end it is a case of someone unable to overcome the waves of life. “ Meanwhile, Park Jung-Soo has referred to his past accident Dui, stating that the consequences derive from his actions.
Park Jung-Soo stressed: “Above all because he was a rather made actress, the public tends to be even less indulgent. That’s why celebrities must be extremely attentive. “He added that the actors do not only represent themselves, if they make an error, it can affect an entire production. Therefore, he underlined the importance of taking care of his own health and being aware of public behavior.
Noh Joo-Hyun expressed sympathy, adding, “She was a girl who had never faced the difficulties of life before. It must have been too much for her to bear. “
Park Jung-Soo also commented on the celebrities of the hard judgment they often face, saying: “People who leave comments online keep celebrity at an unreasonably high standard. It would be nice if they judged us somewhere between the way they judge the public in general and the rigidity that apply to the stars. “
The production team therefore mentioned the number of celebrities that are financially wealthy, making it surprising to know the financial struggles of Kim Sae-Sign.
According to reports, Kim Sae-S had to face financial difficulties after his Dui accident in May 2022, since he had to pay billions of wins in penalty taxes.
In response, Park Jung-Soo has clarified a common misunderstanding, stating that while some celebrities gain significant amounts and can quickly reimburse great debts, it is not so for everyone. He continued, “Of course, some do a lot. Global stars and young actors can earn billions from a single project. But there are also those who are paid only from 2 to 3 million wins per 60 -minute episode. “