Actress Han So Hee returns to her blog for the first time since her feud with Girl’s Day’s Hyeri

Actress Han So Hee returns to her blog for the first time since her feud with Girl’s Day’s Hyeri

In March 2024, after her relationship with the actor Ryu Jun Yeol was revealed, but even more so after he got her into a fight Girl’s Day‘S Hyeriactress Han So Hee close his blog and stick with it Instagram.

| @jjunnk/Naver Blog

Breaking the long silence, however, the actress returned to the blog on January 12, 2025 (KST) and shared some thoughts along with some photos. He wrote that he “spent some time reflecting,” acknowledging that his silence on his blog had to do with his past behavior.

| @jjunnk/Naver Blog

“After all it seems like another year has come to an end. Not long ago, I randomly bought six houseplants. I’m not sure why. Maybe I thought that bringing a little life into my space might help me feel a little more alive and thrive alongside them.

How did you spend the end of 2024? Have you clung to the shadows of the dazzling lights that keep the night bright? Or have you waited in silence for the dawn of the new year?

All the things we feel about the world we live in make the new year weigh heavily on my heart. It’s disheartening that all I can do in response is offer a few words of mourning and comfort. Sometimes I feel helpless and other times I catch myself blaming the sky for no reason.

I hope that, for the next year, we can all start with the belief that it is more than enough to face each day, instead of being burdened by worries.

I had a good time. I spent time self-reflecting, confronting my narrow perspectives, my mistakes, and the self-reproach that comes with them. There’s a lot to work on and I’m still far from done. From time to time, some of you have stopped by this blog. So as I ramble on with these excuses (even if they’re not meant to be excuses), I can’t help but feel small.

—Han So Hee

The actress then said she returned to the blog for some fans who were waiting for her update. Wishing her fans the best, she concluded the post with some photos related to the post.

| @jjunnk/Naver Blog

“Anyway! This is just me sharing my thoughts. I’m not trying to make anyone feel any way.

It seems like the level of courage we have in our twenties is markedly different than the level of courage we have in our thirties. I started writing this post in December 2024. Now that I finally get to finish it, I’m worried. I’m afraid it’s so cold. I fear that many of us may not feel emotionally complete right now.

I hope everyone at least stays warm. Do you have your winter coats, scarves and earmuffs ready? Maybe even a heated pillow? You can take them. Don’t forget to stretch often. They say stress is the root of all diseases. Obviously I’m not the best at doing these things myself. I’ll try, though.

I write this for those of you who loved my blog. This blog was such an important part of my life. My writing has always been disorganized and it doesn’t seem to have changed much.

These days, I find myself appreciating the little things, like asking how others are doing and seeing the true value of quiet days. Please know that every time I see you and we share some vague promise of meeting again, those moments profoundly affect my day.

Here are a pair of slightly exaggerated fuzzy socks that I bought…

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I hope we all stay safe and healthy. May this winter be a little less cold and a little less painful for everyone. Let us bury our complicated emotions in the snow and bloom like flowers in the spring to come.

—Han So Hee

More on the drama between Han So Hee, Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri:

A comprehensive analysis of the relationship drama between Han So Hee, Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri from Girl’s Day

Source: Chosun Ilbo and @jjunnk

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