A handsome actor bravely shoots Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon

A handsome actor bravely shoots Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon

You lose 100% of the shots you don’t take!

Actor Kim Kang Hoon he fired his shot with Generation of girls‘S Taeyeon!

Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon
Kim Kang Hoon | IMDB

Kim Kang Hoon’s admiration for Taeyeon is something that has been discussed before.

Once, when the actor appeared on MBC Radio star, revealed that he became an actor to meet Girls’ Generation. When asked who his favorite member was, the actor did not hesitate to answer that it was Taeyeon, expressing his desire to appear in Fantastic Saturdaywhere she is a regular customer.


Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon. She was the first and last idol I ever liked. I’ve never met her yet. I have many CDs autographed by her and I also have her name tag. I want to be a guest on Amazing Saturday and tell her that she helped me become an actor.

—Kang Hoon

Recently, the actor’s wish came true and he will appear as a guest in the variety show.

A preview of the episode was released on December 13, showing some of Kang Hoon’s interactions with Taeyeon.

For a moment, the actor took a chance, asking the idol what she thought of someone younger than her, with a seemingly romantic implication.

Taeyeon Noona, what do you think about someone younger?

—Kang Hoon

We can’t blame Kang Hoon for taking advantage of this opportunity!

You can check out the full preview clip below.

Generation of girls

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