On November 1, a video was released on Bigbang’s Daesung YouTube channel “Zip Daesung” with the title, “Return of the Kings!⭐️All BIGBANG!!!⭐️| The time is now!”which shows the reunion of Daesung, G-Dragon and Taeyang.
While grilling beef and catching up after a long time, G-Dragon candidly shared his ongoing obsession with romance shows.
With the members of Bigbang well aware of his “dating shows love”G-Dragon said, “I adopted a bad habit while I was in the military.”
“I saw a dating show for the first time when I was in the army,” he explained. “All of us would talk about it after watching. You can’t help but immerse yourself. That’s why I keep watching them and waiting for next week’s episode.
He added, “During my time in the military, we couldn’t pay, so we had to wait 3 weeks.” He then shared with humor, “Three weeks felt like three years” making everyone laugh.
Source: Daum