“Infernal” The second season tells the story of a world thrown into greater chaos due to the ongoing infernal decrees. It revolves around the suddenly resurrected New Truth Society president Jung Jin-soo (played by Kim Sung-cheol) and Park Jeong-ja (Kim Sin-rok), which involves Sodo’s lawyer Min Hye-jin (Kim Hyun-joo ), the New Truth Society, and the Arrowhead faction in new ways.
Kim Sung-cheol’s character Jung Jin-soo is the founding president of the New Truth Society who secretly receives a demonstration but suddenly resurrects. The actor reportedly focused on expressing the deep inner pain and fear of Jung Jin-soo, who has experienced hell, while also portraying his facade as a president that hides this fact.
Kim Sung-cheol received a flood of positive reviews after premiering episodes 1-3 of the second season of the Netflix series “Hellbound” at the 29th Busan International Film Festival, which opened on October 2. out of the second season and vividly portrayed Jung Jin-soo with his hypnotic rhetoric even after resurrection.
It is said that Kim Sung-cheol referenced the original webtoon to express Jung Jin-soo and focused a lot on his gaze to capture the energy of a man who has the world in the palm of his hand. There is a lot of waiting to see if he, often called a “cheat key” for having nailed each role, he will surpass himself with another character that will define his career.
In particular, since Kim Sung-cheol is stepping in to replace Yoo Ah-in, who left the second season due to a police investigation for habitual propofol use, there is great interest in whether he will be able to perfectly fill the void left by Yoo Ah-in.
In a recent variety content, when asked if he felt pressured to appear in a play where the previous season had been a huge success, Kim Sung-cheol replied, “To be honest, I don’t feel much pressure” expressing his determination to create more synergy by joining a project that the director and writer have been preparing for a long time.
The Netflix series “Infernal” The second season, starring Kim Sung-cheol, will be released on Netflix on Friday, October 25.
Source: Daum