LGBTQ+ K-drama “Love in the Big City” faces protest from religious group

LGBTQ+ K-drama “Love in the Big City” faces protest from religious group

Recently, the LGBTQ+ film “Love in the Big City,” starring Kim Go-eun and Noh Sang-hyun, was launched in South Korea. The film, which tells the story of an out gay man through the eyes of his best friend, has also been adapted into an 8-part K-drama (starring Nam Yoon-su), which will air in October this year.

Both the film and the K-drama are based on the same novel, and while the film only adapts the chapters where the best friend is the main character, the drama focuses on the gay protagonist.

The film has been well received, while the release of the drama version is facing protest from a religious group.

In particular, the group in question can be seen on the street, holding protest banners with the writing “Inspect the Korea Content Association! The Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Culture is wasting taxpayers’ money to support a homosexual drama!” AND “Production company CJeS supports the production of a drama that glorifies and promotes homosexuality.”

Seeing such a reaction, many netizens criticized the religious group for its outdated perspective and called the protesters “senseless.” Below are some comments from netizens:

  • If there’s anyone who turns gay after watching a drama, lol, they were gay from the start, they just didn’t realize it
  • If watching dramas makes you gay, I would probably become a murderer since I watch a lot of mystery dramas.
  • That religion is definitely more harmful to people than a K-drama.
  • The words “promote homosexuality” are so funny. If promoting homosexuality makes a person gay or lesbian, then that person is already that way in the first place
  • I will definitely watch it. Thanks for the promotion

Source: theqoo

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