Sexually harass people in Korea? The American YouTuber sparked a negative reaction

Sexually harass people in Korea? The American YouTuber sparked a negative reaction

Recently, a video titled “Johnny Somali gets kicked off a bus on his first day in Seoul” was uploaded to a YouTube channel.

Johnny Somali, an American YouTuber who visited Korea last month, was seen holding on to a handrail inside a moving bus, hosting a YouTube broadcast without caring about the passengers around him. In the video, he opened with provocative comments aimed at Korean men, “You stupid XX Koreans. I will strike down every one of you. Fight me, cowards. K-pop is only made up of gay guys.

Compared to what he would say next, these remarks were just the tip of the iceberg.

Johnny Somali then went on to say: “I love Korean women. They have HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.”

“I’m HIV positive and I’m trying to infect some Koreans and white women,” he continued before adding even more vile sexual harassment, “Is there a cute Korean woman who wants my genitals? Korean men have small genitals, but I have a huge one.”

The English comments were subtitled in Korean. It was clear that his intent was to show Korean netizens the vulgar content translated into Korean, as he said, “I wanted to make sure each of you could hear it.”

When the bus driver tried to calm his confusion, Johnny Somali pretended not to understand, but eventually the fed-up passengers forced him to get off.

Johnny Somali

Earlier this month, the YouTuber himself was widely criticized in Korean media after sitting next to the Statue of Peace and kissing its cheek.

With only around 18,000 subscribers, Johnny Somali, a relatively unknown YouTuber, has gained notoriety by using offensive behavior as a twisted self-promotion strategy.

A few months ago he was arrested in Israel for sexually harassing a female officer. He also mocked the deaths caused by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II and was arrested for watching pornography on a train last year.

Source: Wikitree

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