Scooter Braun’s comments about his future with HYBE and founder Bang Si Hyuk draw major criticism

Scooter Braun’s comments about his future with HYBE and founder Bang Si Hyuk draw major criticism

Netizens are still tweeting #HYBEDivestFromZionism.

Brown Scooter‘s comments on his future with MOVES and founder Bang Si Hyuk they unleashed the fury.

Bang Si Hyuk and Scooter Braun | @hitmanb72/Instagram

Bang Si Hyuk and Scooter Braun have always boasted their friendship, made even more important after the merger between the American branch of HYBE, HYBE Americaand Scooter Braun’s investment company Ithaca The participations have been announced.

Over the past year, Scooter Braun has been consistently criticized by fans of numerous HYBE artists for his active role in promoting Zionism in the context of Israel’s assault on civilian life in the Gaza Strip in Palestine. The hashtag #HYBE_Divest_From_Zionism has been consistently used in hopes of influencing the company to cut ties with Braun.

Recently, Scooter sat down with Bloomberg live and we talked about the collaboration with HYBE and Bang Si Hyuk. Coupled with his experiences with HYBE’s founder, he seemed to suggest that the relationship continue, adding, “We’re talking about extending it.”

The hashtag continues to be prevalent as netizens continue to criticize Scooter Braun for his social media posts.

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