Report suggests that Min Hee Jin accused ILLIT of plagiarism solely to influence public opinion, suffering massive backlash

Report suggests that Min Hee Jin accused ILLIT of plagiarism solely to influence public opinion, suffering massive backlash

Min allegedly knew that it would be difficult to prove plagiarism in court.

A recent report by TenAsia regarding the ongoing legal battle between exes I LOVE IT CEO minimum Hey Jin AND Belift Laboratory about Min’s viral accusations of plagiarism has sparked controversy online.

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| TenAsia

During the latest hearing on October 11, Min presented court documents proving this MOVES he had formulated YOU‘s concept and debut are based on his conceptual plans for New Jeans.

The HYBE employee handed the concept plans to ILLIT’s creative director, but had no idea that Belift Lab would make identical plans. The employee could not believe that Belift Lab was denying the plagiarism allegations and expressed his disdain for the situation.

—Min Hee Jin

HYBE employee provides bombshell evidence proving that ILLIT’s very existence is the result of plagiarism

Following the hearing, TenAsia published an article titled “What ILLIT did wrong… Min Hee Jin addresses ILLIT’s plagiarism issue, stating, “I’m not interested in punishing HYBE. The goal was to create buzz’Netizens have since accused the report of being biased: some even claimed that it was part of HYBE’s media game to promote ILLIT.

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| Naver

In the report, TenAsia suggests that Min Hee Jin had previously received legal advice from a law firm “It would be difficult to prove accusations of plagiarism.Regardless, Min would continue to raise the issue publicly “for the good of public opinion”.

Are we doing this to fix HYBE? HYBE’s punishment (or improvement) is something I don’t care about (the phrase means ‘I didn’t ask and I’m not curious’). Our goal has never been improvement.

We are just filing a complaint and mums will immediately lobby the Fair Trade Commission for quick results. Whether the FTC investigates or not, in the meantime the issue will spread like wildfire and the world will be turned upside down.

—Min Hee Jin

| Naver

The report was hit with massive backlash from Korean netizens. Some specifically pointed out the fact that the article ends with a sentence mentioning the return of ILLIT: “ILLIT will return on the 21st with their mini-album ‘I’ll Like You’.” Another major issue was the title of the article, with many comments pointing out that NewJeans also did nothing wrong.

| TheQoo
  • “What did the NewJeans ever do wrong, you bastards? Look at the pathetic way these articles are written.
  • “Enough nitpicking, really. Already having proof that ILLIT is a knockoff, the ones who really deserve sympathy are NewJeans and the Bunnies, who were happily enjoying their fandom.
  • “’They’ll be back on the 21st with their mini-album I’ll like you.’ LOL, this promo item is so weird.
  • “Isn’t this all from April, when they dug into KakaoTalk messages themselves? How long will HYBE continue to milk them?”
  • “Are you coming from TenAsia again?”
  • “What the hell are you TenAsia idiots talking about?”
  • “So why were they looking at another company’s planning documents? Does this make sense to anyone? Lol”
Source: TenAsia and TheQoo

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