In the final episode airing Oct. 4 of the JTBC variety show “My Name is Gabriel,” Jennie’s latest story unfolds as she immerses herself in the life of Maria, the owner of an Italian farmhouse.
As the owner of the farmhouse, Jennie faces a busy schedule, which includes grocery shopping, welcoming guests and various cooking tasks. In particular, he will capture the attention of viewers by learning how to prepare traditional Italian pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven by chef Fabrizio for the scheduled pizza lesson.
After learning how to make pasta and gnocchi, Jennie begins making pizza dough like a pro, but soon after she makes a big mistake while cooking the pizza in the oven. Her adorable pout as she exclaims, “I messed up” arouses curiosity about what happened.
Even his alchemy with his Italian “mother”, who he feels is his soul mate, deepens. Italian mom calls Jennie while chatting with male guests and advises her, “Don’t go out with boys” showing a true maternal moment. Jennie replies, “Mom, this is my life” leading to laughter.
The chemistry between the two, full of humor and emotion, is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers. As the time to say goodbye approaches, Jennie shares heartfelt greetings with her animal friends. Jennie reflects, “I think I’ll often remember my time here when life gets tough,” while crying over a video message from his Italian mother.
Source: Naver