Netizens are excited to see a new side of the group.
YOUThe dramatic change in style for their next release has attracted attention.
Since its debut, ILLIT has been known for its innovative concepts.
On October 2nd, ILLIT’s new concept photos for their upcoming release, I’LL LIKE YOU, were released and the style shocked netizens. ILLIT have been known for their innocent and cute looks since their debut, but these photos saw the members try something new as the outfits were black and gave off a darker and more mysterious vibe.
Even in group photos, while the look still looks ILLIT, the colors and textures give off a much darker and different look than what fans have seen in the past. In particular, many wondered if the whole group would be able to create a “dark” concept, while some have already done so during RU Next?.
When the photos came out, netizens appreciated the change in style, and although it was “dark”, it still combined aspects of ILLIT’s magical and cute image. Many also responded to the haters who said so Wohee wouldn’t fit this type of concept when the group first debuted, with many sharing how versatile ILLIT have been with their recent comeback concept photos.
byu/iluvboththejeon from the discussion
byu/iluvboththejeon from the discussion
byu/iluvboththejeon from the discussion
byu/iluvboththejeon from the discussion
byu/iluvboththejeon from the discussion
byu/iluvboththejeon from the discussion
Netizens are very excited about the comeback.