The girls are so supported!
When young people are first entering the entertainment industry, it can be scary not to be surrounded by good, supportive, protective adults like a caring family. Fortunately, the KATEYE Members don’t have to worry about it.
KATEYE They are currently on a promotional tour in Asia. They just finished their stint in the Philippines. Sofiawho is Filipino, spent some time there with her family. Her mother, an actress and singer Carla Guevara LafortezaThey conducted interviews and revealed the group’s relationships with their mothers. The mothers realized that no matter where the members go, a mother will be with them.
@katzyezs #katseye #katseyemoms #KATSEYEInMANILA
♬ Touch – KATSEYE
As of this writing, the video has gone viral, with 1.8 million and over 3 million views on TikTok and Instagram, respectively.
Katseye must be the most secretive group of girls at the coded girls school because they went above and beyond with carnage, sorority energy, a girl kisser, and energetic PTA moms
— 🤓 (@gaylittlechuu) September 19, 2024
Netizens praised the KATSEYE mothers for their efforts to protect their daughters.
Fans have also noticed how much Sofia and her mother look alike. Sofia definitely takes after her mother in more ways than one.
The journalist mentioned how #KATSEYE they said they rely heavily on #SOFIA and how great a leader she is. #SOFIASOPHIA’s mother revealed that she calls her daughter “mom” because she was always very responsible and sensible growing up.
— (@sopheezyworld) September 17, 2024
Likewise, KATSEYE mothers have a very similar bond with their daughters. It’s beautiful to see how they all connect!
OH #KATSEYE they will be together forever, because look how their mothers love to be together too!!! Now that’s family!
in the video there are the beautiful mothers of LARA, MEGAN and SOPHIA
— (@sopheezyworld) September 17, 2024