On March 21, Garo Sero held a live broadcast, examining the reports regarding Kim Soo-Hyun and Kim Sae-Sardo adding his comment. During the flow, the representative of Garo Sero Kim Se-Ai faced the recording recently published by YouTuber Lee Jin-Ho, who was sued by the Kim Sae-Se-Se-Se family.
Previously, on January 8, 2025 at 8:55, Lee Jin-Ho revealed a phone call between Kim Sae-Sore and an official of his new agency (indicated as A). He exposed the aspects of the private life of the deceased actress, including who had married New York and who had had an abortion.
As for this, Kim Se-Eui said: “We are currently collecting evidence. That boy from New York – Of course, it could also be a bad person. But this story on how to get pregnant and have an abortion on its part? It is not even possible. The time sequence does not correspond. (We too) We have things to say. We do not intend to expose the past of Kim Sae-Sme only to attack Lee Jin-Ho and Kim Soo-Hyun.“
Kim Se-Eui continued, “Mr. Kim Soo-Hyun, you are in big trouble. The problem is not just that you attended Kim Sae-Sno when it was a middle school. What we have now is enormous. Your pervert … I’ll stop here. People are already telling me to stop talking. “
He continued to say: “You stop trying to water things by aiming for your fingers on the New York boy. Kim Soo-Hyun is the real problem, not him. We will not reward bombs like Kim Yong-Hho or Kang Yong-Seok to abandon. But very soon we will show how sexually depraved it is. “
Kim Se-EU also warned, “We haven’t played our real card yet. Kim Soo-Hyun will not be simply extracted from a drama is further. Do you know the custody of yet another room? Do you remember how old she got that boy? What we have is not even comparable to that. Disney+, go ahead and try to air ‘Knock-off‘. It is then that we drop it.“
In the meantime, the mourning family of the deceased Kim Sae-Sign has recently said he attended Kim Soo-Hyun for six years, from the age of 15 to 21 (2015 ~ 2021), when he was a minor. They also claimed to have been forced to reimburse 700 million KRW in penalty related to his drunk driving accident by his agency.
The gold medal of the Kim Soo-Hyun agency has maintained their position, saying: “The relationship began after it became an adult. “
In addition, Kim Sa-Se-See-Sae has decided to conduct a forensic analysis of his phone to get photos that demonstrate the relationship. On March 17, they filed a complaint to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency against YouTuber Lee Jin-Ho, accusing him of defamation for false information. On March 18, the case was awarded to the Seodemun Police Station.
YouTuber Lee Jin-Ho joined the controversy by claiming that Kim Sae-Sign married in the United States, had an abortion and suffered abuses from her husband. He insisted “My legal action is not directed to the family in mourning“And he announced his intention to take legal actions against the woman who claims to be Kim Sae-Se-Se-Se, who has accused of having released false information on him.