Bang Si-Hyuk’s salary was revealed in Hybe’s relationship, not the most paid person of Hybe

Bang Si-Hyuk’s salary was revealed in Hybe’s relationship, not the most paid person of Hybe

According to the report published on March 21, Bang Si-Hyuk received a total of 988 million krw (~ 740,000 USD) in compensation last year. In particular, Bang did not receive basic salary, keeping his previous position on responsible management. His revenues came exclusively from incentives for performance for an amount 980 million krwand a further 8 million krw in other benefits for employees.

Jungkook Hybe

The performance -based bonus reflects its contribution to Hybe’s global strategies, including the debut of new artists and expansion abroad.

In the meantime, former CEO Park Ji-Won I saw a significant increase in earnings. Its total compensation for 2023 reached 2.33 billion KRW (~ 1.75 million dollars), a 53.3% jump from 1.52 billion KRW the previous year.

The park income consisted of:

  • 998 million krw in the basic salary,
  • 1.33 billion KRW In performance bonus,
  • 2 million krw in other fees,
  • And a further 1,942 limited share units (RSU) granted as part of the executive incentives.

According to Hybe, the executive compensation is determined by Remuneration Committee under the Board of Directors. The salaries are calculated on the basis of leadership, contribution and responsibilities in sectors such as innovation, collaboration and organizational management. The incentives are assigned according to corporate services, strategic results and growth indicators.

In the same period, the average salary of Hybe employees increased slightly to 106 million krwCompared to the 100 million KRW in 2022. A fault of the genre showed that male employees gained an average of 139 million krwwhile the dependent women received 91 million krw On average.

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