Main actress of “A Gentleman’s Dignity” and “Discovery of Love” undergoes the burning of second degree during the dermatology procedure

Main actress of “A Gentleman’s Dignity” and “Discovery of Love” undergoes the burning of second degree during the dermatology procedure

According to Herald Economy on March 20, the Civil Division 18 of the central district court of Seoul (president of Judge Park Joon-Min) has established that dermatologist B must compensate the actress A with 48,039,295 krw in a case in which he initially requested 200 million KRW in damage.

The Court recognized the negligence of B in not being able to correctly regulate the intensity and frequency of the procedure, which caused the injury.

Accident details

The actress A, who made its debut in 2012, obtained recognition through successful dramas like “The dignity of a gentleman” AND “Discovery of love“Since then she has appeared in several dramas both as the leading actress and support and recently appeared in a variety show.

The accident occurred in May 2021. While under sedation, one was subjected to three consecutive dermatological procedures, including ultrasound and laser treatments for the improvement of wrinkles. However, during the procedure, a wound developed on the left cheek. Despite this, dermatologist B has applied only a hydrocolloid bandage and has not taken further actions.

The lesion proved to be more serious than expected a second degree that. From 2021, a has undergone 50 sessions for the treatment of burns and the reset of the scars restoration in other hospitals and dermatological clinics, but the wound has yet to heal completely. A medical evaluation has established that while the condition has gradually improved, the scar remains visible from a conversation distance of 2 ~ 3 meters.

This injury interrupted the program of shooting of the drama of A. shortly after the procedure, he was shooting a weekend drama, where he had to spend 9.55 million krw at work CG to remove the scar on the screen.

Judicial proceedings

During the process, the part of A claimed that B should compensate it with 200 million KRW, citing negligence in the execution of three consecutive procedures without adhering to the safety protocols or the adequate use of the device. They also said that the form of the wound suggests that the treatment was performed at excessively high intensity or on the same area several times.

The Court partially supported A’s statement, decreeing that B had actually been negligent. He reasoned that, given that he had previously suffered the same procedure without problems, the injury was not due to an intrinsic skin condition, but rather to the improper manipulation of B.

An actress undergoes second degree burning during the dermatology procedure

However, the Court limited the total compensation to about 50 million KRW instead of the 200 million KRW requested.

The distribution of the damage assigned: 11.16 million KRW – medical expenses already incurred, 11 million krw – estimated future medical expenses, 10.77 million profits KRW – lost (potential income that could have earned without injury), 25 million krw – compensation for mental discomfort.

The Court did not recognize the CG costs (9.5 million KRW) as part of B.

None of the parties appealed to the sentence, making it final and legally binding.

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