Garo Sero Research Institute Park SEO-Joon and Kim Soo-Hyun questions: “weaker paper accusation”

Garo Sero Research Institute Park SEO-Joon and Kim Soo-Hyun questions: “weaker paper accusation”

On March 17, Kim SE-EU, representative of the YouTube channel Garo Sero Research Institute (Garo Sero), rendered the speculation on friendship between the actors Park SEO-Joon and Kim Soo-Hyun referring to the past interview of the Seo-Joon park.

The interview in question dates back to October of the previous year, when the SEO-Joon park appeared on the Jung Jae-Hyung “Fata Jae-Hyung” YouTube channel. During the discussion, Park SEO-Joon opened on how, after completing his military service, he was able to join an agency thanks to the assistance of Kim Soo-Hyun.

He explained, “After being discharged, a friend of a friend, who was close to Kim Soo-Hyun at the time, made a request on my behalf. They asked me if it would be possible for me to meet the company (Kim Soo-Hyun agency), and Kim Soo-Hyun organized him willingly. “

Expressing its gratitude, the SEO-Joon park continued, “This is how I ended up visiting the company. The day I went, the CEO immediately raised the contract. He gave me the contract, saying with confidence: “This is a standard contract, but if you are uncertain, you can consult a lawyer”. Since it was my first time to visit an agency, I told them that I would examine it and come back to them. The company was so great that, in the end, I signed with them. “

Park Seo Young-Kim by Hyun

However, the representative of Garo Sero Kim Se-EU interpreted the relationship between the two actors in a different way, stating that their friendship was “Weaker than a piece of paper.” He also added, “Last night I checked Park Seo-Joon Instagram. Isn’t that significant enough? “

On March 16, Park SEO-Joon had published photos taken in Paris, subtitles, “What did I do in Paris? Horizontal.”

Kim SE-EU hypothesized that the caption had hidden implications, saying, “The nickname of Kim Soo-Hyun was” YouTuber Kim Paris “. He exchanged love letters with Kim Sae-Se-S, referring to each other as” horizontal and vertical “. Parking of Park Seo-Joon,” What did I do in Paris? Horizontal, “this seems to suggest this.”

He continued, “I also left a comment there. I support the SEO-Joon park. Their friendship is truly weaker than a piece of paper. “

Park Seo Joon

Kim SE-EU also left a public commentary under the Park SEO-Joon post, writing, “YouTuber Kim Paris is exhibited by the Garo Sero Research Institute. We will work even more to free the name of actress Kim Sae-S. Park Seo-Joon, fighting! “

Despite the controversy, some Netizen rejected the statements, claiming that the Park SEO-Joon caption simply referred to the horizontal format of his photos and had not meaning the underlying to Kim Soo-Hyun.

In the meantime, on the same day, the legal representative of the family of the deceased Kim Sae-S, the Buyu law firm, held a press conference at the Soul Metropolitan Police Agency.


The lawyer Bu Ji-Seok revealed that he had intended a cause for defamation against YouTuber Lee Jin-Ho for the dissemination of false information.

He also declared, “After the Kim Soo-Hyun agency sent the first legal notice, the late Kim Sae-Se-See-sent to Kim Soo-Hyun, asking for help. However, he didn’t answer. Instead, his agency sent a second legal notice. “

The current controversy has left the fans divided, with some he defends the actors while others question the nature of their friendship.

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