Public opinion divided by the release of Kim Soo-Hyun’s photo taken at Kim Sae-Ron’s house

Public opinion divided by the release of Kim Soo-Hyun’s photo taken at Kim Sae-Ron’s house

From 10 March, the YouTube channel “Garosero Research Innsite” revealed the test after saying that the deceased actress Kim Sae-Sore and actor Kim Soo-Hyun had a romantic relationship for six years, starting from Kim Sae-Se-So-Sa-Ron. Subsequently, this channel accused Kim Soo-Hyun of “grooming”. Continuing their revelation, “Garosero Research Innsite” released past photos of Kim Soo-Hyun and Kim Sae-Sign. On the 15th, they further fed the controversy revealing a photo of a man, presumably Kim Soo-Hyun, who seems to be put in half naked at Kim Sae-Ron’s house.

They declared, “This photo was taken at Kim Sae-Ron’s house. The person in the photo wears a long shirt like night clothing. We want to clarify that he did not wear trousers,“By underlining it “This photo was taken when he didn’t wear trousers.”

Alongside this, Kim Sae-So-See-See has also released an official declaration. As a result, they asked that Kim Soo-Hyun and his agency, the gold medal, recognize and officially apologize for the actor’s love story with Kim Sae-Sno when he was a minor. They also asked for the recognition and excuses on Kim Sae-Se-Se-Se-See-founding member of the company, as well as the recognition and excuses for the certification of content and the request for reimbursement of 700 million KRW issued to Kim Sae-Se. In addition, they said that the release of Kim Soo-Hyun’s photo was destined to refute the false statements made by the journalist transformed into the young Lee Jin-Ho.

Kim Sae Ron

In this regard, the public showed clearly divided opinions. While some claim that if Kim Soo-Hyun really had a relationship with Kim Sae-Sno when he was a minor, he should be held responsible, others criticize the exposure of the actor’s private and intimate photos, saying that he crossed the line. Many Netizen have expressed concern, like “Imagine if their sexes were inverted”, “isn’t it too much?”, “Release such photos is a crime”, etc.

Others questioned the logic behind Kim Soo-Hyun’s connection to the previous problems of Kim Sae-See, saying, “He must cover his drunk driving problem or pay his debts just because he is his ex-boyfriend?”, “Is what happened to Kim Sae-Se-Se-Se, but the drunk driving accident was his fault”, “We should let the family in mourning did anything because of the disappearance of Kim Sae-Se-Se?”, Etc.

Doubts are also growing on the true intentions of “Garosero Research Insigere”. While the channel claims to restore the reputation of the deceased Kim Sae-S, its repeated revelations have fueled numerous voices, including speculations on pregnancy and abortion. Instead of erase his name, they seem to obscure him further. In addition, despite having said to “help the family in mourning”, Garosto Research Insigere accepted donations, while urged the support to reach “a million subscribers”. This led to accusations of exploiting the tragedy to make money.

The Netizen also agreed on the fact that many stars had left the world because of harmful and voices like Kim Sae-Sore and Wheesung, so people should refrain from spreading excessive criticisms.

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In the meantime, the gold medal of the Kim Soo-Hyun agency confirmed the actor’s past relationship with Kim Sae-S, but happened after the deceased actress became an adult. The agency added that the two had already interrupted for four years, making it difficult to recognize some items. In addition, the gold medal also clarified that the certification of the content that required 700 million damage was not understood as pressure or coercion. Therefore, the agency expressed their desire to meet Kim Sae-S’s mother directly to clarify the misunderstandings.

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