On March 15, China Times reported that Barbie Hsu’s burial ceremony was held in the Chin Pao San a New Taipei cemetery, Taiwan. This morning, Koo Jun Yup, representing the family, brought Barbie Hsu’s urn to the burial site. The ashes of the star of “Meteor Garden” were placed at rest in the Rose Garden area in the cemetery of Chin Pao San.
According to the journalists present, Barbie Hsu’s husband appeared fragile and kept his head throughout the procession. Tears trembled while holding his wife’s urn during the burial ceremony. Due to the Taiwanese custom that “the elderly should not say goodbye to young people”, Barbie Hsu’s mother could not participate in the final approach. Her younger sister Dee HSU chose to stay in the car with her mother to comfort her and support her. Dee Hsu’s husband helped her brother -in -law with funeral arrangements and took care of the two children of Barbie Hsu. Other family members also challenged the rain to pay homage. However, Barbie Hsu Wang Xiaofei’s ex -husband was absent.
Barbie HSU died in Japan on February 2nd and was cremated before her remains were brought back to Taiwan. Initially, the family planned to keep the ashes at home, but this was welcomed with the opposition of the neighbors. Dee HSU later announced that his sister would be buried using a burial method of ecological trees without plaque. According to Dee Hsu, this was Barbie Hsu’s desire during his life. The family also wanted Barbie Hsu to rest peacefully and became one with nature after his disappearance.
However, Koo Jun Yup opposed this idea as he wanted an adequate commemorative space and did not want his wife to fade completely in dust. After multiple discussions, the family eventually agreed to bury the ashes of Barbie Hsu to the cemetery of Chin Pao San and erect a bronze statue in his memory. So, after more than a month after his death, Barbie Hsu has finally found his rest place.