He also addresses the Lee Jin Ho journalist.
This article is part of our coverage of Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Sae Ron’s report. You can read more and view the entire time sequence here.
Kim Sae RonThe mother published her official declaration on March 15, 2025, speaking through Garo Sero Research Institute. The mother of the deceased actress not only replies Gold medalPrevious statements, clearly affirming his requests, but he also turned to the journalist Lee Jin Hothat the family deeply blames as a factor in the death of Kim Sae Ron.
Kim Sae Ron’s mother asks for official excuses from both Kim Soo Hyun and gold medal.
HI. This is the deceased actress Kim Sae Ron in mourning. This is what the family wants.
Firstly, we want Kim Soo Hyun to recognize that he was leaving Kim Sae Ron from the moment he was a minor, as well as his public excuse
Secondly, from the agency’s gold medal, we ask for official excuses for the manipulation of the media in the last three years in which they said that the two never went out, and still when they declared three days ago that they never went out.
Third, please recognize the contributions of Kim Sae Ron As a founding member of the company and sorry for this.
Fourth, recognize and apologize publicly for sending a legal notice demanding refund of ₩ 700 million krw (about $ 482,000 USD) by Kim Sae Ron.
He also said that it was a pity that Kim Soo Hyun’s private photos with Kim Sae Ron were revealed, but it was inevitable to show that Kim Sae Ron was saying the truth. After all, their relationship had been deeply denied by the company countless times.
Fifth, the Reason why Kim Soo Hyun was not mentioned in our official declaration He had to focus and warn against Lee Jin Ho and the harmful viral journalists. Our family is not Looking for something from Kim Soo Hun or by the agency, Apart from the official excuses.
Sixth, a Demonstrate the falsehoods that have been released by Lee Jin Ho, There is no other choice than mentioning that Sae Ron had a relationship with Kim Soo Hyun. It was an inevitable situation that required the revelation of the photos of Kim Soo Hyun. We hope that everyone can offer their understanding.
The family will also present legal complaints against the journalist Lee Jin Ho. Lee had tried to contact and visit mourning during Kim Sae Ron’s funeral.
Seventh, a legal complaint against Lee Jin Ho will be presented next week. We hope of sincere public apologies from him. In addition, there should be apologies to call after the funeral e Visit the Columbarium and say that they have not been able to find it.
Although it can justify it as an effort to verify the facts, The family in mourning felt derided and deeply offended.
Below you can read more about Lee’s involvement.
YouTuber Lee Jin I apologize to Kim Sae Ron’s family