Initially aired, “Knock-Off” is now being in an internal revision due to the rapid worsening of public sentiment.
“Knock-Off” depicts the rise of a man from the office operator to the counterfeit Kingpin after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Kim Soo-Hyun plays the main role.
The experts in the sector speculate that Disney+ can postpone or even cancel the release. The controversy broke out after the YouTube channel Garosero Research Institute said on March 10 that Kim Soo-Hyun has attended Kim Sae-Se-Sen for six years since 15 years. The next day, a photo of Kim Soo-Hyun who kisses Kim Sa-Se-Sign on the cheek has been released, further fueling public tearing. While Kim Soo-Hyun’s team denied the accusations, they still have to provide concrete tests. His gold medal of his agency announced, “Next week we will emit a statement to clarify the facts and face the voices without foundation. “The fate of” Knock-Off “will probably be decided at that time.
Production professionals fear that this scandal can make Disney+ more hesitant towards investments in Korean dramas. “Knock-Off” was one of the most expensive projects on the 2025 from Disney+, with wide efforts of global marketing in progress. An employee observed, “They probably saw him as an opportunity to restore their presence in Korea and Asia, especially with Kim Soo-Hyun now a global star after the “Queen of Tears”. This unexpected scandal could make them lose this opportunity. “Disney+ has already struggled to compete in Korea, since Netflix has obtained exclusive long -term agreements with the main content suppliers such as Dragon and Content’s StudioJoongg, leaving Disney+ with less options.
The increase in production costs also represents a challenge. Once the commissions for high -level actors increase, it becomes the norm of the sector for similar level stars requesting the same rates. Among the streaming platforms, Netflix is ​​the only one with the power to reject these costs increasing, but they too are not immune to the actor’s scandals. The film “The Match” is an excellent example. Originally fixed for a 2023 version, its launch was demolished after the main Yoo Ah-in actor was designed for the abuse of propofol. Netflix eventually abandoned the project, forcing the Acemaker MovieWorks distributor to sell the rights to By4m Studio, which will now release it in cinemas on March 26, about two years later.
Some argue that Disney+ may have no other choice than to release “Knock-off” despite the controversy. Most of the contractual penalty clauses specify the “condemnation of a crime”, which does not apply to the alleged Kim Soo-Hyun report. According to Korean law, sex with a minor 16 years of age is considered a negligent rape, but before May 2020 the threshold was 13 years old. Since legal judgments are based on the laws in force at the time of the alleged crime, Kim Soo-Hyun is not subject to criminal accusations. Even if there is a “public dispute” clause in its contract, the vague formulation could lead to legal disputes.
With the growing concerns about the risks related to the actors, many in the sector believe that the penalty penalties of the contract must be clarified. An employee said, “Each contract has different penalties and some do not include them at all. With entire projects at risk due to an actor’s personal life, we need clear and standardized guidelines. “Another added,”Even when there are penalty clauses, legal interpretations vary. The industry needs stronger guarantees to minimize risk.“