The 2nd generation of idol shows him shows him … only after he appears with IV

The 2nd generation of idol shows him shows him … only after he appears with IV

It’s a dip for children!

INFINITE‘S Dongwoo He has a young nephew who previously showed fans.


He introduced it to the fans like Water a thousand. Many years later, the young baby is now a girl! It was revealed that he was a young fan of IveA dip! The inspires were treated in a hilarious situation when he revealed his Kakootalk profile to fans. He had changed his profile photo in one of dongwoo dancing next to Ive’s Light ON Inkigayo.

| Theqoo

His caption was, “Our uncle danced with Ive’s Leeseo!“He was so tickled by it that he shared their conversation with the fans. Before the episode, Bin had asked if I had known about him. He never had a safe answer for her until that day.

| Theqoo

Water a thousand: “Do the Uni Iive know about your existence?”

Dongwoo: I’m not sure.


Water a thousand: “How do the Unnies Ive aware of your existence? Why do they know? “

Fans found the interaction absolutely adorable. Since Infinite was one of the best groups of boys during their period of maximum splendor, it is not surprising even if they know infinite! Take a look at the interaction between Leeseo and infinite below.

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