They do not resemble anything to its true aspect, according to the Netizen.
Entertainment Astronavi A new group of boys will soon publish. The members will be chosen through a survival show in which spectators can participate in the selection.
Starship Entertainment makes fun of the debut of the new group – is hit by a repercussions
One of the competitors, Seok JuneHe was quickly gaining buzz and popularity for his images. When Starship Entertainment released the profiles of the 21 competitors, its beautiful characteristics and the aura immediately attracted the attention of many.
He had a fresh and warm atmosphere for him!
When Starship Entertainment published introductory videos for competitors, the opinions about him suddenly made an 180. Many felt that he was not up to his profile photo.
Netizen thought it was completely different.
From his atmosphere to his features, Netizen said he was a totally different person!
- How much Photoshop have used?
- His vibrations and the impression are totally different from his photos.
- His vibrations are totally different from the images.
- Regardless of what is best, I just can’t see it as the same person Lol. It looks like a different person.
- It is too different from the photo though.
You can watch his video for you below!