Dok2 recently shared the excruciating news of his mother’s disappearance, revealing that he had fought pneumonia, diabetes and a stroke for more than three years before he peacefully died in Hospice on March 9. “On Valentine’s Day, we removed all medical devices in hospice, so he shouldn’t have suffered,” he wrote.
The rapper also expressed his pain and his regret, saying: “In recent years before my mother passed, I should always show her the best version of myself, but I don’t think I was able to do it and this hurts me”. He added that, for the first time, he was dedicating a song to his mother for his birthday, who had now had to spend without her.
Dok2, who made his debut in 2005 through Dynamic Duo’s “Circus”, became famous through “Show Me The Money” and became known to show off his wealth. However, later he faced a repercussions on tax criminals, having not managed to pay millions of tax insurance and income taxes, leading to his inclusion on public lists of pennilers of the usual taxes with registers who show that he had to have a total of 3.32 billion in KRW (approximately 2.3 million dollars) in global income taxes and other quotas.
Original post from dok2
Hi, this is Dok2.
After spending several years in silence in the United States, taking care of my parents in their 60s and 70s, I’m writing a post after a long time …
My mother, who suffered for over three years of pneumonia, diabetes and a stroke, died peacefully and went to paradise on March 9, just before her birthday. On Valentine’s Day, we removed all the medical devices in hospice so that it should no longer suffer …
I have always published songs for my birthday, but this time, for the first time, I am publishing a song dedicated to my mother, in honor of her birthday, which I now have to spend without her …
In the last few years before she exceeded my mother, I would always have to show her the best version of myself, but I don’t think I was able to do it, and this hurts me.
Please put my all about me and listen comfortably.
I dedicate it to all those who cross a similar situation, to those who have experienced the same pain, to my beloved mother who is now in paradise who plays with Lupe and our family members who have left in front of us and my father, who is now suddenly left alone.
Please, before it’s too late, embrace your parents more and you say that you love them.
1956 0309 ~ 2025 0216
I love you mom.
Rest in paradise
“Umma” now