The “You Quiz” episode by Han Ga-in made private on TVing: due to the “too zealous mom” scrub?

The “You Quiz” episode by Han Ga-in made private on TVing: due to the “too zealous mom” scrub?

According to Star News on March 6, episode 282 of the show of Tvn variety “You Quiz on the Block” (You Quiz) was made private on the OCT TVing platform.

The episode, broadcast on February 26, presented the actress Han Ga-in as a guest.

However, since Han Ga-in has recently become a prominent figure associated with the keywords “Dochi-Mom (Mom Hedgehog)”, “Daechi-Mom (Daechi-Dong + Mom)” and “Momo Zealla”, public opinion has become negative against her, apparently pushing to touch the touch temporarily to make the episode private.

Recently, the false documentary of the comedian Lee Soo-Ji with the concept of “Mamme Daechi-Dong” has become viral and Han Ga-in has become involuntarily involved in the dispute. This derived from his past video that showed himself to lead his children to the Academy lessons. As a result, his children also underwent harmful comments, leading Han Ga-in to make the video private.

As for this, the Pd Ahn Joo-Hee of Honeybee Studio, who is in charge of producing videos for the Han Ga-in YouTube channel, told Star News, “It is true that Han Ga-in’s video that collects his children, who was loaded last year, has been removed. There are no recharged plans. “As a question about the reason, Pd Ahn explained,”There were too many harmful comments for Han Ga-in children. Was knocked down to protect them. “

Han ga in

Later, during his “You Quiz” appearance, Han Ga-in clarified, “Because of my image, people think that I force my children to study excessively, but it is absolutely not so. “However, harmful comments against her have continued to date.

Although Han Ga-in’s “You Quiz” episode has been made private, the clips of his interview remain available on the official website of “You Quiz”, Portal Sites and YouTube.

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