Ador refutes claims to have attempted to block the activities of Njz (Newjeans)

Ador refutes claims to have attempted to block the activities of Njz (Newjeans)

They just want to work together.

March 6, I love issued an official declaration that refuted the claims to have attempted to block NjzEntertainment activities.

| I love

They explained that they had no choice but to expand the injunction.

While the injunction was to preserve the state of the contract and prevent them from signing advertising contracts, they continued to release new songs and announce foreign shows on a large scale, so we had not chosen. This is not to limit them, but do these activities together with Ador keeping the contract.

– I love

| @Newjeans_ador/X

They also stressed that they had not put pressure on the concert organizers.

As we revealed, we have never put pressure on the organizers of the concert or expanded the application as a retaliation measure. Tomorrow we will explain the misunderstandings in court and we will seek the sentence that Ador is the agency that manages the Newjeans.

– I love

| @Newjeans_ador/X

Previously, Njz’s parents issued a declaration relating to Ador’s demand for an injunction.

“We thought that the injunction only included problems with advertising activities, but also included a request to” recognize the agency’s state “. This is an attempt to limit and completely block NJZ’s activities.

They also expanded the application for injunction on February 11 to request a ban not only of advertising but also of all musical activities, including writing, composition, execution and singing.

This happened after hearing that Bang Si Hyuk made pressure on the personal complex of the concert, so we presumed that it was a retaliation against the attempt to cancel the concert. “

– Njz’s parents

In the meantime, the date of education for the injunction against Ador is scheduled for March 7.

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