The drastically changed face of Ji Ye-Eun after a year in “Running Man”: “Burnout made me drink, life feels boring”

The drastically changed face of Ji Ye-Eun after a year in “Running Man”: “Burnout made me drink, life feels boring”

Choi Daniel and Kim Ah-Yung appeared as guests in the episode of March 2 of “Running Man” of SBS.

During the opening, Haha made fun of Ji Ye-Eun saying: “Ye-Eun, you have become more beautiful. Your face is completely rounded.“Haha, who has the nickname” Bangkki-Nn (a man who eats meals in transmission) “, underlined the impressive appetite of Ji Ye-Eun, jokingly,”It should be called “Bangkki-Nyeo” (a female version of “Bangkkki-Nam”). If we go with food intake, she eats more than me. “

Yoo Jae-Suk was hit in “Go ask your family. From what I see, come from a lineage of merchants. You have naturally strong Build: there is a merchant ancestor in your family“, Questioning the Ji Ye-Eun DNA. Haha added, “(Kim) Jong-Kook has a Build that derives from the effort, but Ye-Eun was born with it. He could break down a cow. “

Meanwhile, the guest Kim Ah-Young, dear friend of Ji Ye-Eun, appeared considerably more subtle and was praised by Choi Daniel, who said: “On the side, you seem iu. “Yoo Jae-Suk then joked,”Ah-Young is not the only one reminiscent of a celebrity. Ye-Eun looks like Ebong. “

Ji year renamed, “I’m Jang Wonyung by SNL!“Haha, pretending to mistreat, asked,”Jang-Hoon? Seo Jang-Hoon?“He continued to tease,”You both eat a lot. Show us how you eat gloves.“When Kim Ah-Young recalled how Ji Ye-Eun was much thinner, Ji Ye-Eun went back,” “You’re just saying it because you have lost weight. Think about your frog days. “He accidentally mixed his words, which made everyone burst.

Later, Yoo Jae-Suk asked Kim Ah-Young, “Ye-Eun has shot “Running Man” for some time now. Have you ever hurt us?“After some hesitation, Kim Ah-Young replied”Not at all, but it seems tired of the repetitive routine“, Express concern for the burnout of his friend.

Ji Ye-Eun, who had previously been seen in search of a remedy for the postmates of a hangover in a minimarket, admitted, “Life seems boring, so I drink.“While Ji Seok-Jin joked”It’s because you don’t have a guy“, Yoo Jae-Suk recommended in no uncertain terms based on experience,”You have to cut all your job. This will bring you out.

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