The popular 4th female generation Idolo sparkle the ideation after announcing its “ri-debut”

The popular 4th female generation Idolo sparkle the ideation after announcing its “ri-debut”

A lot of frustration follows by idol and fans.

Popular solo K-pop solo Alexa He aroused excitement with the news on a re-debut.

Soloist K-Pop Alexa | @alexa_zboffial/instagram

After no activity, the Alexa company Zanybros Zb label he aroused controversy when they promoted a “return” for the idol, which was a performance video that was “Renamed” As an official music video. The “Under The Armor” track has not been recorded recently and the song is not in Korean.

“They are deceiving his fans” – The “Shady” return of 4th Gen Idol receives contrasting reactions

Following a lot of frustration by Alexa and fans, the idol seemed to suggest separating from his company.

The soloist K-Pop Alexa suggests separating from his agency among the disputes

On February 20, Alexa broadcast a transmission with the fans and revealed that rather than a return, he would have a “re-debut” in April. The idol explained that she had plans but was unable to perform them, adding that fans did not need to worry while she was going to “bigger and better” things.

I mean, it’s not a return, it’s a ri-debut. I’m not free to say anything else, but I can’t wait to April. Because guys, when I tell you, I have a plan, I had a plan for months but in my current position, I can’t do anything. Once this position is completed, then I am passing by bigger and better. So, don’t worry about me, guys, I promise I’m returning. Trust me. I would never only leave the industry. I want to stay in this SH*T for as long as possible, so I promise you that you guys will have something exciting and fun in April.

– Alexa

When the video was shared, the Netizen shared their excitement for Alexa, they hoped that he had finally left his company and could thrive with all his talent.

Netizen are very enthusiastic about April.

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