Go to Ara, “Is there really a situation in which someone wouldn’t want to go out with me?”

Go to Ara, “Is there really a situation in which someone wouldn’t want to go out with me?”

The broadcast of February 2 of “My Little Old Boy”, Go Ara appeared as a special MC. The Shin Dong-Yup Host presented it by saying: “He has never been angry for his appearance since childhood.

Go shared ara, “My mother told me that when she brought me out of a child, people always turned to look. He said that one person was not simply passed (without looking).

My old baby becomes ara

He also remembered his popularity during his school days. He went to a high school for girls and the students, both his elderly and his junior, they crowded so much that windows broke. “After that, my classmates moved in groups to protect me,“He remembered with a laugh.”I was incredibly popular in high school. How could it also happen in a school for girls alone?

Go to Ara then opened on his style of appointments. “If I was sure of my feelings, I’m going straight for this,“He said safely.

Shin Dong-Yup has jokingly asked, “But what happens if you are refused? Wouldn’t you hurt?

Without hesitation, Go Ara replied, “Is there really a situation where someone wouldn’t want to go out with me?“By showing his trust in the brand.

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