The program, conducted by Yoo Jae-Suk and Jo Se-Ho, dives into the life of various guests through honest conversations. From his debut in 2018, “You Quiz” has maintained his popularity, presenting professionals, less known individuals and high -profile celebrities who share their unique stories. Recently, the show has attracted the attention with the appearances of icons such as G-Dragon, the actress Go Hyun-Jung, Hyun Bin (who made her first appearance in a talk show in 13 years), Lee Min-Ho And Song Hye-Kyo, who has come back in vogue. talk show after 23 years.
A significant factor underlying the success of the show is the alchemy among the conductors. The constant leadership of Yoo Jae-Suk and the playful questions of Jo SE-Ho create a relaxed atmosphere that also allows the reserved stars to open up.
The stars reflect on the “Tu quiz”
Many celebrities have expressed their appreciation for the show. The actress Go Hyun-Jung praised the production team for the attention paid, while Hyun Bin shared that he had united to give fans a cross-section of his life. Lee Jesus turned to social media, thanking the team and praising the favorable environment of the show.
The charm of the show has even inspired actors like Cha Seung-Won to send a message personally to the staff after the broadcast, saying: “It was rewarding that the assessments were excellent.The actor Choi Min-Sik took a further step forward, participating in the post-registry celebration of the team.
Kim Woo-Bin, who spoke of overcoming his illness on the show, admitted that he was initially cautious in sharing his story, but found encouragement in the positive reactions of the spectators. Song Hye-Kyo, in his recent apparition, shared profoundly personal stories that have had resonance among the spectators. After the transmission, according to reports, Song Hye-Kyo sent a sincere message to the authors of the show, expressing his gratitude: “My mother loved him.“This caring gesture added heat to the buzz surrounding its episode.
“You Quiz” as a career catalyst
The show also opened up new opportunities for its guests. Actress Kim So-Yeon attributed to her appearance in “You Quiz” the merit of having obtained her role in “A Virtous Business”, while Jin Ki-Joo has attributed his casting in “Uncle Samsik” at the past time on the show.
In addition, “You Quiz” often discovers unexpected connections, how to reveal that the mother of the actress Gong Hyo-Jin is a longtime volunteer at a charity organization present on the show.
The program has constantly dominated its time slot, with all 49 episodes broadcast in 2024 which obtained the first place between the cable and complete networks. The episode of Song Hye-Kyo has established a new record for the target demographic assessments of the show in 2049 (spectators aged between 20 and 49 years old), consolidating its position as one of the most talked about transmissions of the year. On YouTube, the “You Quiz” videos accumulated about 4.7 billion cumulative views, further demonstrating its influence.
According to Good Data Corporation, the show ranked among the first 10 for 47 weeks in the non -dramatic category in 2024, including four weeks at number one. “You Quiz on the Block” continues to shine like a unique platform in which stars and ordinary people can share their stories. The ability of the show to encourage sincere connections and offer new perspectives guarantees its lasting charm.
Look at “You Quiz on the Block” every Wednesday at 20:45 on Tvn.