In the latest episode of KBS2’s musical variety show “The Seasons – Lee Young-ji’s Rainbow,” Lee Young-ji expressed regret for a rude comment made to singer Gummy.
The episode, which aired on January 17, featured Gummy alongside Dynamic Duo. During the show, Gummy shared that she recently moved to a new agency and praised her colleagues who support her, saying: “It’s an honor to be on stage with them.” He also shared an emotional moment with Dynamic Duo, stating: “Meeting seniors and juniors from the same era brings out emotions, especially with Dynamic Duo, as we had many conversations.”
Dynamic Duo, recalling their first meeting with Lee Young-ji as rookies, remarked, “You could say she was destined for greatness. Her talent is exceptional and she would probably be good at stock trading too,” which made everyone laugh. Lee Young-ji responded jokingly, saying: “I haven’t tried it yet,” causing even more laughter.
Gummy then revealed that Lee Young-ji had once asked her if she had kissed her husband, Jo Jung-suk, before they started dating, which Lee Young-ji immediately denied, exclaiming, “Did I really ask such a rude question?” The group laughed and teased her, asking: “Do you have any experience?” In response, Lee Young-ji jokingly said: “I’d like to try kissing, but I feel dirty about myself” and added, “Right now, I’m more curious about my health and my 50-year plan,” which elicited more laughter.