“Bogota: City of the Lost” is a film set in the aftermath of the IMF crisis. It follows Guk-hee (Song Joong-ki), who moves to Bogotá, Colombia, in search of new hope. There, he finds himself entangled with Soo-yeong (Lee Hee-joon), a key figure in the Korean community, and Sergeant Park (Kwon Hae-hyo).
Behind the scenes insights
1. Song Joong-ki’s commitment to his role
Song Joong-ki demonstrated extraordinary dedication in embodying his character. He shared: “Since the character had to drive a big truck, I got a heavy vehicle license. When I arrived in Colombia, I noticed that the strong sunlight was causing freckles on many locals. Inspired by this, I incorporated that aspect into my character’s look.“
Director Kim Seong-je revealed: “The scenes of driving a big truck were performed by Song Joong-ki himself. She also suggested having short hair to match the character. As a director, I was extremely grateful for his willingness to take on these challenges.”
2. Lee Hee-joon’s professional transformation
Lee Hee-joon underwent a dramatic transformation to bring Soo-yeong to life, sporting a thick beard and tanned skin to embody the local Colombian vibe. Additionally, he reduced his body fat percentage to 8% at the start of filming to accommodate the tight clothing worn by his character.
Lee Hee-joon explained: “Soo-yeong is an elegant character who loves refinement. She often wears tight clothes in the early parts of the film, so I went on a diet to fit the clothes. I also wanted to immerse myself in the local rhythm, so I attended salsa lessons on days when filming was stopped. I love self-improvement.”
3. Cohesion of the actors through Colombian life
The third behind-the-scenes highlight is the strong camaraderie built during the actors’ three-month stay in Colombia. While filming on location, the cast and crew lived together in a Colombian hotel, cooking Korean dishes, sharing ramen brought from Korea, and deepening their bond.
Song Joong-ki remarked: “Since we always ate and talked together at the hotel, it was fascinating how many new ideas emerged.” This shared experience created a synergy that brought a vibrant energy to the film.
Meanwhile, “Bogota: City of the Lost” is currently playing in theaters nationwide.