The 744th episode of SBS variety show “Running Man”, which aired on January 12, saw the members explore their new year’s fortunes.
A tarot reading expert analyzed Song Ji-hyo, who recently ventured into the perfume and lingerie industry, saying: “You have a persistent ‘fugitive mentality’ that will continue this year. You feel happy at home, but after just a week you want to leave.
The expert added: “There is a bear inside you. This is a time when your aggressive energy and desire to achieve is exploding. It’s been a while since you felt this immersed in something. You’ll find yourself thinking, ‘If I had lived like this before, I could have done even better.’”
Hearing this, Song Ji-hyo clapped her hands in surprise and enthusiastically agreed, “It’s really true! I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Close friends Kim Jong-kook and Ji Suk-jin confirmed his dedication, saying: “Ji-hyo is really giving it her all right now.”
Meanwhile, the expert advised Song Ji-hyo to be cautious around younger men.
Reading continued with Haha luck. The expert revealed “This year, your spouse’s luck will have a strong influence on you. You will have to actively support your wife’s activities.” The tarot reading also indicated that Haha’s wife, singer Byul, would experience a busy year.
Conversely, the expert gave Haha a less favorable read on his own efforts, saying: “This is a year to look at your work rather than immerse yourself in it. This is not a year to start something new.” This left Haha uneasy.
Afterwards, the expert read Yoo Jae-suk’s tarot cards, saying: “This year you will spend a lot of time worrying about the members of ‘Running Man’, especially Haha and Ji-hyo.”
Yoo Jae-suk admitted that Song Ji-hyo, who recently started her own business, felt like a granddaughter to watch over.
Finally, the expert predicted the fortune of “Running Man” for 2025, stating: “The show will have many new people joining, bringing with them a multi-talented energy. It seems like the production team has a curiosity for funny personalities and a desire for stimulation. This will be a year of experimental attempts for the program.”