On January 11, the taped broadcast of the 2024 KBS Drama Awards aired on KBS 2TV, showcasing memorable moments from the star-studded ceremony. The event, originally scheduled for December 31, took place at the KBS Hall in Yeouido, Seoul, and was hosted by famous figures Jang Sung-kyu, Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun and actor Moon Sang-min, who they kept the atmosphere lively and engaging throughout. in the evening.
One of the most remarkable moments was when Im Soo-hyang, together with Ji Hyun-woo, received the coveted “Best Couple Award” for their work in the hit drama “Beauty and Mr. Romantic.” Their on-screen chemistry has clearly resonated with audiences, earning them this prestigious award.
However, in a surprising turn of events, Kim Jung-hyun, who played Im Soo-hyang’s ex-lover in his previous drama “Kokdu: Season of Deity” (2023), also took the stage as a co-recipient of the prize. Kim Jung-hyun shared the honor with his “Iron Family” co-star Keum Sae-rok, who also won the “Best Couple Award” for their performance in the drama.
This unexpected pairing led to three memorable and somewhat awkward shots on stage, with both of Im Soo-hyang’s on-screen romantic partners from different dramas being together. The unusual but intriguing scene captured the public’s attention and sparked much discussion.
Taking advantage of the moment, MC Jang Sung-kyu jokingly asked Im Soo-hyang, “Today you met both your ex and your current ex. When you act, who made you feel the most emotional?”
Flustered by the question, Im Soo-hyang smiled nervously and replied: “The work environment was great with both of us, so I was always excited. That’s why my heart isn’t in the best condition.” offering a frank and light-hearted response that further amused the audience.