The crime commentary program “Hidden Eye” will air its new episode on January 13, showcasing MC Kim Sung-joo and the cast, including Kim Dong-hyun, Park Ha-sun and Soyou, as they discuss crimes that anyone can notice. in daily life.
In the section that illustrates crime stories through photos, a shocking video is revealed showing a middle-aged couple visiting a restaurant and splitting roles to commit a crime. Watching the video, Soyou exclaims: “I’ve never seen anyone plan something like this”. Profiler Yoo Chang-won wonders, “Don’t they know there’s a CCTV camera?”
In another instance, cast members have to guess what was put in the coffee after seeing staff at a cafe feel like their throats were burning and spit up after just one sip. After knowing the answer, Soyou raises concerns, saying “It would actually kill someone.” Park Ha-sun angrily asks: “Isn’t this considered attempted murder?”
The section continues with the next crime with the description “The safest place becomes a hotbed of crime.” Above all, seeing the appearance of a “parasitic” woman in real life, Soyou comments, “His movements are so scary.” The cast is left speechless after learning that the woman has been eating and living without paying bills and even urinating in the kitchen sink for two weeks.
The episode also explores revenge crimes, triggered by minor conflicts. The cast is shocked to see a mother attack her teenage daughter’s boyfriend and then defend her action by saying she had no choice but to stab him to protect her daughter.
In another section, Park Ha-sun is taken by surprise by a person who sets fire to a temple for an unimaginable reason. She exclaims in disbelief, “There are so many strange people in this world. I want to go home.”
The show will air on MBC Every1 on January 13 at 7.40pm