Recently, fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar uploaded a video to its YouTube channel titled “*First Look* Song Joong-ki and Lee Hee-jun’s Inside Bag Reveal.”
In the video, Song Joong-ki and Lee Hee Joon, co-stars of the film “Bogota: City of the Lost,” which premiered on December 31, opened their everyday bags.
Song Joong-ki first took out a red bean-flavored candy and said it was his “absolute favorite,” adding, “There’s a friend who does Chun Woo-Hee’s hair and once I tried their candies. It tastes like red beans and was so good that I haven’t stopped eating it on set since.”
According to the actor, actress Chun Woo-hee bought him a bunch of candy after knowing this, so he constantly enjoyed them on set.
Later, when Lee Hee-jun presented his items such as AirPods, a book and a massage ball, Song Joong-ki said: “I have something similar” and pulled out a gua sha tool (a small, smooth-edged tool used to firmly stroke the skin in one direction, often used in a traditional Chinese medicine technique called “gua sha”).
Song Joong-ki explained that he didn’t know much about gua sha before, but he learned about it through actress Kim Ji-won, who works in the same agency as him. He then tried using the tool and was fascinated by it as he really appreciated its benefits.
“In the morning, when I wake up, I use it on my nose and forehead and it really helps me feel refreshed”added the actor.
He then showed off the drama’s script, supplements and a cloth mask, explaining that he sometimes uses the mask pack while waiting in the car.
Looking at Song Joong-ki, Lee Hee Joon commented, “Joong-ki has no pores“, at which the first laughed and replied, “Absolutely not, I’m getting very old now.”
She then added that she is quite old and therefore paid attention to skin care items such as sunscreen and sunscreen.