Korean caught walking naked around hotel terrorizing other guests

Korean caught walking naked around hotel terrorizing other guests

He claimed to be sleepwalking.

A man in his 40s, who works as a public official, was fined after wandering naked through a hotel corridor in Gangwon province, shaking room door handles and alarming guests. Despite claiming he was sleepwalking, the court rejected his explanation and upheld his punishment.

photo of the Korean court
Court photo for illustrative purposes only. | News1

The incident occurred on July 24 last year at a hotel in Inje County at around 11.17pm. The man, identified as Mr A, was seen walking naked along the third floor, repeatedly attempting to open doors to various guest rooms. In one case, when an occupant called to ask who he was, he apologized but continued to try to open the door. He later moved to other rooms, pulling on door handles in a similar manner.

police tape
Photos for illustrative purposes only. | Shutterstock

Mr A was charged with public indecency and attempted trespass. During the trial, he defended his actions by saying he was sleepwalking and was trying to locate the bathroom. However, the Court found this explanation unconvincing. It was noted that his hotel room was equipped with a bathroom, there were no medical records to support his claim of sleepwalking, and he wore sneakers when leaving his room, unusual behavior for someone who suffered from sleepwalking. Police also testified that he appeared sober and able to communicate clearly.

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Photos for illustrative purposes only. | Shutterstock

The Chuncheon District Court sentenced Mr. A to a fine of KRW 5.00 million (about $3,460) and ordered him to complete 40 hours of a sexual misconduct treatment program. He appealed the decision, but the court ruled that there was no misinterpretation of the evidence or legal errors in the initial ruling.

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