The Korean Entertainment Producers Association calls on NewJeans to “shake up” the industry

The Korean Entertainment Producers Association calls on NewJeans to “shake up” the industry

They want members to withdraw their claims.

On December 6th Korean Entertainment Producers Association called out New Jeans for notification I LOVE IT of the termination of their contracts.

| Sports Chosun

The association felt the group’s decision had a direct impact on the industry.

K-Pop is shaken to its core by the NewJeans incident. We ask NewJeans to retract their irresponsible statements, return to their original intentions and continue with business as usual.

— Korean Entertainment Producers Association

Recently, NewJeans held an emergency press conference and announced the termination of its exclusive contract with ADOR.

NewJeans officially announces that it will continue operations without HYBE and ADOR

With this, the association criticized the decision to terminate the contract.

“The dispute over the termination of the contract between NewJeans and ADOR is shocking to the Korean pop culture and art industry.

An exclusive contract is not simple and is the foundation of mutual trust and promise. We are concerned that an exclusive contract could be terminated with a single unilateral request. The party requesting termination must demonstrate a legitimate reason for it to occur.”

— Korean Entertainment Producers Association

They found that NewJeans had not provided specific evidence to support the plea.


NewJeans presented no concrete evidence and held a press conference unilaterally notifying the termination of the contract, a violation of the agency’s terms.

— Korean Entertainment Producers Association

They also reported suspicions of tampering.

If these suspicions are true, it could be a new and advanced form of tampering. This would not be a simple breach of contract but a betrayal of a relationship that the agency and the artist have built together over time.

— Korean Entertainment Producers Association


Finally, the association submitted a request to the National Assembly and government officials.

“Although the pop culture and arts industry begins with corporate capital, the creation of a star is supported by the hard work and sacrifice of the company’s employees. Therefore, exclusive contract disputes and tampering issues directly affect the existence of the company and the livelihood of the employees. We ask that clear measures be prepared to prevent problems such as the unilateral resolution from recurring.”

— Korean Entertainment Producers Association

Previously, the Korean Management Association they also expressed their position regarding the news of the termination of the contract.

The Korea Management Association expresses its position regarding the termination of the contract with NewJeans

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