TWICE’s Jihyo almost got into a physical altercation with Jeongyeon

TWICE’s Jihyo almost got into a physical altercation with Jeongyeon

There wasn’t even an apology.

TWICE‘S Jihyo AND Jeongyeon they might be close friends, but they’re not afraid to fight the old fashioned way, at least according to the TWICE leader’s story.

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Jeongyeon (left) and Jihyo (right)

Jihyo recently appeared as a guest on Comedian Park and Rae‘S YouTube channel, I’m Rae Sikand spoke openly about TWICE’s past, present and future.

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Park Na Rae and Jihyo @Na Raesik/YouTube

During the conversation, Jihyo talked about her groupmate Jeongyeon, telling Park that she would get along great with her. When Park asked her if Jihyo was the closest person to her, she replied, “I think I’ll talk to Jeongyeon more,” explaining that they have known each other the longest of any TWICE member. “I have been an apprentice for ten years and Jeongyeon has been an apprentice for seven years,” he added, explaining why the two 97 airliners got along so well.

But like any strong and long-lasting friendship, the dynamic between Jihyo and Jeongyeon has also moved into the territories of unbridled confrontations. According to Jihyo, not only have the two had serious arguments, but one time it almost amounted to a physical altercation.

Jihyo recalled pushing Jeongyeon against a wall and punching the wall during a fight. But when Park asked her the reason for the fight, she surprisingly replied: “I don’t remember… why we’re so close. We argued about nothing.”

If the two members of TWICE had the bickering habits of two very close friends, their way of reconciling also screamed “best friends.” Jihyo revealed that they never really try to “make up” after an argument. “True friends are not created on,” he said, adding: “It’s just, ‘Hey, did you eat?'”

Just another day of TWICE casually showing off what the best friend’s goals are!

In the meantime, you can watch Jihyo’s video with Park Na Rae right here:


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