Since its first broadcast in 2013, “The Return of Superman” has been a beloved family program in Korea, featuring famous parent-child pairs such as Choo Sung-hoon and Choo Sarang, Song Il-kook and his triplets, Lee Dong -gook and his five children, Sam Hammington and siblings William-Bentley, Sayuri and Zen, Kim Jun-ho, Eun-woo and Jung-woo. The show uniquely highlights the challenges of parenting and the joy it brings, redefining various family structures and celebrating the value of parenting.
The upcoming 550th episode, airing on November 27 with the theme “Loving You Is Supernatural”, features 3 MCs – Park Soo-hong, Choi Ji-woo and Ahn Young-mi – along with Superdad Kim Jun-ho and Jang Dong- min. NewJeans’ Minji will meet the famous “Woo brothers”, arousing the excitement of viewers. Known to be a true fan, Minji has watched all of their episodes, earning her the title of “successful fangirl.”
Seeing Eun-woo and Jung-woo in person, Minji couldn’t contain her excitement, exclaiming, “What should I do? They are so adorable!” Her sheer joy and fangirl moments, from covering her mouth in amazement to reacting to their every move, promise plenty of laughs. The brothers, fascinated by Minji’s sweet gaze and warmth, immediately felt at ease with her, even sitting on her lap during their first meeting, creating a touching threesome scene.
Minji also shared a fun behind-the-scenes account, “I’ve been worrying about whether I should be Eun-woo’s “sister” or “aunt” for a month now.“ Eun-woo quickly solved her dilemma by confidently calling her ”sister Minji”, delighting her. Minji said excitedly: “I’m so happy he called me sister! I’m his first sister, right?“
In another playful moment, Minji asked Eun-woo “Do you like apples or strawberries?“before you cheekily add”Do you like sister too?,” teasing viewers with curiosity about Eun-woo’s response.
KBS2’s “The Return of Superman” will air on November 27 at 8:30 PM KST.
Source: Daum